Morgan Baptist Association
Personnel Policies & Procedures Manual


Morgan Baptist Association

Personnel Policies & Procedures Manual

Welcome to the Family" of employees of the Morgan Baptist Association. This handbook was prepared to help you become acquainted with our "Family," how we relate to one another, our personal conduct, and how we work together.

You will keep in mind the uniqueness of your work. The work is of a spiritual nature. You will want to conduct yourself accordingly. Your personal life should be managed in accordance to the Christian calling to which you were called. The moral dimension of your position to the community, the church and your loyalty to the association as an employee makes exemplary Christian conduct a vital part of goodwill within the family.

In the minds of the general public and fellow Christians, you represent the Morgan Baptist Association. Opinions expressed about fellow workers, programs, churches, other associations should be affirmative and supportive.

Since we have frequent visitors to the building, friendliness, cordiality and helpfulness by you will help maintain good feelings toward the mission and ministry opportunities of our association. Visitors should see an orderly work area and attention being given to the work at hand .

Spiritual growth is necessary in your job performance. Involvement in your church, personal devotionals and personally sharing your faith contribute to your spiritual growth.

This manual will provide you with helpful information about the current personnel policies and procedures of the Morgan Baptist Association. This manual is not a contract, and the Personnel Committee of the Association reserves the right to change the manual's provisions at any time, when approved by the Executive Committee. Including the employment policies and employee benefits. Under Alabama Law, all employees of the Morgan Baptist Association are employees at will, and this manual does not change that employment relationship.

This manual is to serve primarily as the guide for the Associational Staff, Associational Personnel Committee and the Association.

The following policies and procedures will serve as a guide for all Associational- Personnel relationships.

I. Personnel Classifications:

Morgan Baptist Association Policies And Procedures

Personnel Policies

In addition to the Officers of the Association as described by the Constitution, the Personnel of the Morgan Baptist Association are classified as follows:

a) Ministerial: The Ministerial employees of the association are:

Director of Missions
Director of Church and Community Ministries

b) Non-Ministerial: Non-Ministerial employees of the association are:

Office Manager Receptionist/Secretary

II. Personal Qualifications:

All employees of the Morgan Baptist Association shall show evidence of genuine Christian faith and practice, hold membership in a Southern Baptist Church, and be supportive of the work of the local churches, the Association, the Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions, and the Southern Baptist Convention.

III. Personnel Status:

The status of personnel depends on their employment arrangement with the Association. The tiers of status are:

A. Ministerial Employees:

1. Full-Time Ministerial Employee: Fulfilling ministry responsibilities; receiving salary, benefits, and reimbursement of ministry expenses.

2. Part-Time Ministerial Employee: Fulfilling ministry responsibilities; receiving salary and reimbursement of ministry expenses.

B. Non-Ministerial Employees:

1. Full Non-Ministerial employee: Working at least 40 hours per week and receiving a salary.

2. Part-Time Non-Ministerial Employee: Working less than 40 hours per week and receiving a salary.

IV. Work Schedules:

A. Ministerial Employees are required to schedule their work in order to accomplish the ministry responsibilities assigned to them by the Association.

B. Non-Ministerial Full-Time and Part-Time Employees:

1. The normal work schedule of office hours is 8:00 a-rn- to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday of each calendar week. Exceptions to this normal schedule must be cleared with the Director of Missions.

2. A one-hour lunch period is provided.
3. Benefits are granted to all employees at the time of employment.

4. Holidays are observed annually by all employees. Part-time employees will be given holiday pay when the holiday falls on their regular work schedule.

New Year's Day
Good Friday Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Thanksgiving Day (2)
* Christmas Eve & Christmas

* (The MBA Office will be closed between Christmas Day and New Year's Day)

The Personnel Committee may add in the calendaring process any other holiday they deem applicable and appropriate for the following church year.

C. Absences:
1. Personal Illness:

a. One day of sick leave will accrue to each employee's accumulated sick leave for each calendar month of employment, not to exceed an accrual of thirty (30) days.

Part-time employees will accrue sick leave in proportion to their hours worked.

b. Sick pay from the Association will not be in addition to any compensation provided for by the Association in the form of insurance or Workman's Compensation. The Association will pay the difference between such compensation and the amount to assure the employee frill pay of salary for the period involved under sick leave earnings.

c. In the event illness prevents the performance of duties by the employee for any regularly scheduled workday, such an employee shall, to the extent of their accumulated sick leave, receive one days pay for each days illness, provided all the following conditions are met. The employee must:

a. Upon request, present evidence satisfactory to their supervisor of inability to work due to illness.

b. Adopt remedial measures as may be commensurate with their disability.

c. Report by telephone the cause of absence the first day of each period of absence due to illness, and, if requested, present a physician's certificate setting forth the illness and incapacity, which entitles them to sick leave pay.

d. Sick Leave credit may not be used for any other purpose than specified herein and is not payable in cash or in any other form should the employee leave the employment of the Association.

e. Personal Sick Leave may be used by the employee for a period of personal illness, care for a sick child, or care for an immediate family member with a serious illness.

2. Death in Family: In the case of the death of

a. An immediate family member of the employee (spouse or children) up to five working days are granted with pay.

b. A next of kin (mother, father, brother, sister; or next of kin of spouse) up to three working days are granted with pay.

c. At the request of an affected employee, the Director of Missions may grant additional time off without pay for death in the family.

3. Personal Reasons: Absences for personal reasons are discouraged. In cases of emergency, permission may be granted. Such absences shall be without pay or, at the request of the employee, may be charged to vacation time if the absence is for a day or longer.

4. Jury Duty: All employees are paid for absences for Jury or Witness Duty. When the employee's services as a juror or witness are not required for the entire day, they are to report to work for the remainder of the day. The employee shall also report to work on any regularly scheduled workday when the court is closed for a holiday not scheduled by the Association.

5. Administrative Leave: Administrative Leave maybe granted by the Director of Missions up to a maximum of five (5) days per year due to unsafe travel conditions, unsafe work conditions, etc. If the school systems in our area are closed, we are closed .

6. Maternity Benefits: The Federal Law is as follows: Maternity leave of absence from work for an employee of the Association may be granted for a six-week period beginning with the date, which the employee may choose. This time may be charged to sick leave, vacation, or leave without pay at the employee's choice. (After 6 weeks, maternity leave ends. Any further leave would have to be vacation, sick leave, or unpaid personal leave).

7. Family and Medical Leave of Absence: The Federal Law is as follows: 1. Purpose:

This guideline established requirements for granting family and medical leave according to the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993.

2. Policy:

Under the provisions set forth in the Family and Medical Leave Act, eligible employees may be granted family and medical leave without pay.

3. Eligibility:
Employees who have been employed for at leave twelve (12) months and have worked a minimum of 1,250 hours are eligible for family and medical leave without pay.

4. Provision:

a) Eligible employees may request UP TO TWELVE (12) weeks of un-paid family and medical leave.

b) Examples of reasons for family and medical leave:

1. Caring for a child following his/her birth, adoption, or placement in the employee's home for foster care.

2. Caring for a spouse, child, or parent who has a serious health condition.

3. Recovering from a serious health illness or injury which renders one unable to perform one's job responsibilities.

c) Leaves for child care must be taken with (12) months of the date of birth, adoption or placement.

d) Employees requesting family and medical leave will be required to use accrued vacation days, sick leave or other personal leave as part of the twelve (12) week leave.

e) The employee is requested to give at least thirty (30) days notice of any foreseeable need for leave.

f) Eligible employees requesting leave must provide certifications by medical professionals documenting the health conditions of the employee, spouse, child or parent. The Association, at its own expense, may require the employee to secure a second or third medical opinion.

g) During the family and medical leave, the Association will continue to pay its share of the employee's premium payments under the Association health insurance plan. The employee must reimburse the Association the amount of these premium payments if he/she does not return to work at the expiration of the leave period.

h) Upon return from leave, the employee is entitled to his/her former position or an equivalent position with equivalent pay and benefits.

8. Time Benefits: Vacation, Personal Engagement, Convention, Conference, etc.: a. Vacation:

1. Vacation days requested will be coordinated in Staff meetings and placed on the office calendar. Alterations may be agreed upon in Staff meetings, during the calendar year.

2. Vacation time is not cumulative from year to year and must be taken prior to December 31 of the Calendar year.

3. Vacation days must be reported to the Financial Secretary to be placed on paychecks and in Personnel files.

4. Unused vacation time, up to a maximum of one week, will be paid to a terminating employee on their final check.

5. After six months of continuous service, an employee shall be granted two weeks of vacation per calendar year.

6. After an employee has completed five years of continuous service, they shall be granted one additional workweek of vacation.

b. Personal Engagements:

  1. Personal Engagement time shall be used for denominational service and/or Christian mission efforts.

  2. Personal Engagements, unrelated to the Association, shall be limited to ten (10) working days per calendar year.

  3. Personal Engagements shall be subject to the same provision as stated under "Vacation" items #1, #2, and #5.

  4. Personal engagements are to be submitted to immediate supervisor for approval. The DOM will make requests for approval from the Personnel Committee.

c. Conventions:

1. Ministerial employees are encouraged to attend the Alabama Baptist State Convention as well as the Southern Baptist Convention each year.

2. Convention expenses shall be reimbursement to the ministerial employee according to budget allocations.

d. Continuing Education:

  1. Each employee is encouraged to attend at least one assembly or conference per year for professional improvement.

  2. Each employee must seek approval from his or her supervisor at least thirty (30) days prior to registration in any educational program. DOM will seek approval from the Personnel Committee.

3. Assembly and conference expenses shall be reimbursed to employee according to budget allocations.

e. Associational Events: Time spent participating in authorized Associational events (mission trips, conferences, etc.) shall not be construed as an individual's allowed vacation, personal engagement, convention, or conference time.

f. Compensatory Time: an employee's supervisor may authorize compensatory time within the Thursday through Wednesday workweek. It shall be authorized on a 1:1 ratio.

g. Overtime: A supervisor may authorize overtime only if there is sufficient funds available in the "Additional Secretarial Help" line item of the Association's current budget and cash flow permits.

h. Unused Time Benefits: There is not provision for extra pay in lieu of unused Time Benefits.

V. Employment Policies:

A. Employment:

1. Ministerial Employees: Vacancies in ministerial staff positions will be filled by vote of the Executive Committee. When vacancies occur, except for the Director of Missions, the Personnel Committee, will:

a) Review the job descriptions
b) Communicate the vacancy
c) Evaluate resumes
d) Interview qualified candidates
e) Recommend best candidate to the Executive Committee for a vote.

2. Director of Missions: Vacancies in the Director of Missions position will be filled through a recommendation by a duly elected Search Committee.

3. Non-Ministerial: Non-Ministerial positions will be filled by the Personnel Committee with recommendation by their immediate supervisor. The Executive Committee shall be notified of all employee actions at the next regular meeting.

B. Probationary Period:

1. Ministerial Positions: All ministerial positions shall be on a probationary period for six months. There shall be a review by the Personnel Committee within 3 months.

2. Non-Ministerial Positions: The first six months of employment for non- ministerial personnel will constitute a probationary period for the Association and the employee. During this period, Wit is determined the employee is not suitable for the job, employment will be terminated. Upon conclusion of the probationary period, the accrual of vacation will begin.

C. Termination:

1. Redemptive Process: Every effort should be made to assist an employee in learning and performing their responsibilities at an efficient level.

2. Termination Process:

a. Remedial Step: When an employee fails to respond to corrections as outlined by their supervisor, the supervisor shall request a conference with the Personnel Committee. Working together, they shall decide upon a remedial process for the employee if possible. All counseling sessions should be documented as they occur and the documentation placed in the employee's personnel file.

b. Termination Step: When the employee fails to respond to corrections during the remedial process and the Personnel Committee agrees sufficient remedial action has been taken, termination is required.

c. Termination Decision: The Personnel Committee has the authority to terminate a non-ministerial employee. The termination of a ministerial employee must be presented to the Executive Committee for a final
d ecision.

D. Remuneration: 1. Method:

Ministerial and Non-Ministerial Employees: Employees shall be paid semi-monthly on the 15th and the last day of the month or the

last working day prior to these days when they fall on a weekend or holiday.

a. Procedures:

1. Salary & Housing Expense: Remuneration paid directly to the employee.

  1. Ministerial Employees: Since ministerial employees are not on an hourly work schedule, no documentation of their hours shall be required.

  2. Non-Ministerial Employees: Those non-ministerial employees who are on an hourly work schedule, their hours shall be documented at the close of each workweek by filling out and signing a Time Sheet. The Time Sheet shall be submitted to the Financial Secretary at the close of the work week.

2. Benefits: Remuneration in the form of employee benefits will be paid to suppliers of the service (Annuity Board, Insurance Companies, etc.).

3. Reimbursements: Remuneration reimbursed from appropriate budget line items for expenses incurred in the fulfillment of the employee's duties. After the close of a calendar month, a Ministry Reimbursement Form is to be filled out stating the four IRS requirements for each expenditure (date, to whom the funds were given, amount, and ministry reason). Receipts for each expenditure should be attached to each form. Items may be included on the Ministry Reimbursement Form up to 90 days after the date of expenditure. Reimbursements will be made upon receipts of the completed Ministry Reimbursement Form and approval by the Financial Secretary according to annual budget. The Chairman of Finance or a member of the Finance Committee will approve the Director of Missions expenses.

2. Salary Recommendations:

Budget Recommendations: The Personnel Committee shall be responsible for the Recommendation of Ministerial and Non-

3. Advances:

Ministerial salaries, housing allowances, benefits, and ministry expenses. The committee is to make the appropriate recommendations to Budget and Stewardship Committee during preparation of the annual Association Budget.

a) Against Salary and Housing: Normally, finds are not distributed in advance. An employee may receive a salary and housing check in advance if its normal date of issue falls within their scheduled time of absence.

b) Reimbursements: Upon the receipt of a completed and approved Advance Request Form, an advance may be drawn against a line item of the annual Association Budget. The Advance Request Form must show the reason for the proposed expenditure, the budget line item against which it is to be drawn, and the justification date. Justification of all advanced monies will be made on an Advance Justification Form, show the four IRS required items (date, to whom the finds were given, amount, and ministry reason) along with appropriate receipts.

E. Benefits: The Personnel Committee may authorize an employee to designate a portion of their total remuneration package as benefits (annuities, life insurance, disability insurance, hospitalization insurance, etc.). The payment for these benefits is to be made directly to the supplier.

F. Social Security:

a. Ordained Employees: Ministerial Employees may have a portion of their total remuneration package designated for social security. This amount is to be sent to IRS as prepayment on their Federal Taxes. It can be applied to their Social Security when they file their yearly taxes.

b. Non-Ordained Employees: The Association will pay its share of a non-ordained employee's social security, automatically deducting the employee's share from their salary.

G. Retirement: All employees are encouraged to make preparation for their retirement years through systematic contributions to tax-deferred annuities with the Annuity Board or other individual retirement accounts available at banks, credit unions, insurance companies, etc. The Association's provision for employees is as follows:

1. Ordained Employees: All ordained ministers shall be included in the Annuity Board plan. The amount shall be a part of their total remuneration package as approved annually with the Association Budget. Each ordained employee has the privilege of participating in additional programs from other sources.

2. Non-Ordained Employees: Non-ordained employees with a year or more of continuous service shall have the option of participating in the Annuity Board plan or other plans on a salary reduction basis.

VI. Conflict of Interest:

Any employee engaging in an enterprise outside their normal work responsibilities shall see that it occurs outside their normal working hours, that no conflict of interest develops, and that it does not involve any other Associational employee, equipment, or materials unless express advance approval of the Personnel Committee is obtained.

VII. Christian Ethics:

All employees of the Morgan Baptist Association are expected to exhibit a Christian lifestyle, fostering values that reflect the teachings of Jesus Christ, This Christian lifestyle, based on the teachings of Jesus to "Love one another!" is to be exhibited on the job, at home, and at all other times.

VIII. Anniversary Recognition:

Special anniversary recognition will be given each fifth year of employment. The manner of recognition will be determined by the Personnel Committee. Other anniversary recognitions may be made as deemed appropriate.

IX. Child Care:

Employees shall make arrangements for childcare outside the offices of the Morgan Baptist Association. The building facilities and the work assignments of the Association employees prohibit childcare in the building. Exceptions must be approved by the Director of Missions.

X. Smoking in MBA Facilities:

Tobacco Products, alcoholic beverages, and illegal drugs are prohibited in all Morgan Baptist facilities.

XI. Dress Code:

Each employee is encouraged to dress appropriately, modestly, and neatly. Common sense and the work environment should prevail in personal dress.

XII. Sexual Harassment:

a) Definition:

(EEOC 29 Code of Federal Regulations 1604.11) Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when:

1. Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual's employment.

2. Submission or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting such individual.

3. Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment.

b) Purpose:

To define the policy of the Morgan Baptist Association that all employees have the right to a work environment free from all forms of discrimination and conduct, which can be considered harassing, Coercive, or disruptive, including sexual harassment.

C) Policy:

The Association's position is that sexual harassment is a form of misconduct that undermines the integrity of the employment relationship. No employee, either male or female, shall be subject to unsolicited and unwelcome sexual overtures or conduct, either verbal or physical. Sexual harassment does not refer to occasional compliments of a socially acceptable nature. It refers to behavior that is not welcome, that is personally offensive, that debilitates morale, and that, therefore, interferes with work effectiveness. Such behavior may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination.

d) Policy Implementation:

It is the responsibility of the Director of Missions to make sure the staff is responsible and in full compliance with this policy. Employees who have complaints should report such conduct to the Director of Missions. It is

the responsibility of the Director of Missions to provide guidance, investigate charges of impropriety, and recommend appropriate action. All claims must be thoroughly investigated.

e) Complaints Procedure: 1. Complaints:

Complaints of sexual harassment should be brought to the attention of the Director of Missions unless the alleged harasser is the Director of Missions. In such cases, the employee should feel free to bypass the supervisor and take the complaint directly to the Personnel Committee

2. Process:

a) After notification of the employee's complaint, a confidential investigation will immediately be initiated to gather all facts about the complaint. The Director of Missions will have the primary responsibility for investigations.

b) After the investigation has been completed, a determination will be made regarding the resolution of the case by the Director of Missions. If warranted, disciplinary action, up to and including termination, will be taken. If no action is warranted, then both parties will be informed that the facts did not substantiate the allegations. In this situation, steps must be taken to facilitate both parties continuing to work with each other.

c) Non-Retaliation. This policy prohibits retaliation against employees who bring sexual harassment charges or assist in investigating charges. Any such employment, nor discriminated against or discharged because of the complaint-

f) Non-Employees:

In addition to the above. Any complaints of sexual harassment by an employee against vendors or any other non-employees who do business with the Association should be reported and investigated in the same manner as stated in this section.

Approved by Executive Committee on September 24, 2002
Revised & Approved by Executive Committee on January 20, 2004


The observance of the spirit and letter of these simple policies and guiding principles is the responsibility and privilege of each employee of the Morgan Baptist Association.

Christian integrity and personal stewardship must prevail at all times if the best morale and cooperation are to be maintained at the Associational Office. Such integrity and stewardship shall rise above rules and policies at all times and under all circumstances. Each employee promotes the missions programs and missions work of each of our churches, and the larger Associational family.


The Personnel Committee has the authority in consultation with the Executive Committee to revise and modify the Personnel Manual and when such does occur the modified version once adopted by the Executive Committee shall supersede all previous manuals for the direction and government of all employees of the Morgan Baptist Association.

Approved by Executive Committee on September 24, 2002 Revised by Executive Committee on January 20, 2004

These Policies and Procedures stand as approved with the exception of #2 - Personal Qualifications, and #8 —Anniversary Recognition. These two will be changed at the next Executive Committee meeting in January 2003. An updated copy will be given to each employee after that date.