The Morgan Baptist Association Disaster Relief Team is part of the Alabama Baptist Disaster Relief effort. Volunteers from member churches serve the Lord by giving a cup of water to a thirsty soul. Disaster Relief is about cutting fallen trees from people’s rooftops and helping clean up after a flood. It is about feeding a hungry family who just lost their home. It is about being the hands and feet of Jesus in the lives of those who are hurting. But Disaster Relief is about much more than these things! It is also about sharing a word of hope from God’s Word to someone who has lost hope. It is about telling someone who feels lost and unloved that God loves them, and that He wants to save them. It is praying with someone too traumatized to pray by themselves. It is about delivering GOOD NEWS where all the other news is bad. Alabama Baptist Disaster Relief works in partnership with other state conventions to help those affected by disasters. Many types of aid are offered including food, water, childcare, showers, laundry, repairs, rebuilding, and more. All assistance is provided free of charge due to the gracious gifts of Alabama Baptists through the Cooperative Program.